Saturday, July 19, 2008

Close Encounters of the Rhino Kind

There are few things I have seen in this world more beautiful than an African sunset. So, there we were Friday evening, enjoying the view, when we came across the white rhino bull marking his territory. Werner, our ranger, loves to give us the most bang for our buck. The rhino wanted nothing to do with us; we got charged 4 times! I documented three of the times. The scary time, though, when he was rapidly approaching my seat, I did not record a thing. Rather, the rest of the group that held onto their cameras were gleefully picking up my accompanying audio- my screams as I basically jumped into Sandy's lap. Have you ever seen a rhino horn up close? It was actually really exhilirating!

The sunsets truly are beautiful. The palettes of oranges, purples, reds are a most serene backdrop to the umbrella and marula trees. We went on our last two game drives yesterday. Although we will not see any lion, we have had a truly amazing experience.

Today, we traveled to St. Lucia. St. Lucia is a World Heritage site, which means its 700,000 acres are protected by UNESCA, an organization of the UN. We went on a boat cruise of the estuary, which flows from the Indian Ocean. This area is home to 1000 hippos, 3000 crocodiles, 5 different shark species, turtles, whales, and over 400 different species of birds (29 of which live only in St. Lucia). It is also home to the second highest sand dune in the world - over 600 feet tall! After our boat ride, we were able to do a bit of shopping andthen we spent an hour a the beach. The Indian Ocean is a bit rough this time of year, but it was breathtaking.

I will blog again, most likely, on Monday night. We leave on Tuesday, so I will wrap up the trip then. We miss you all!!

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